A Movement, Not A Monument
Post 10523 is rather unique among veteran posts. Our post does not have a physical presence such as a building or office. Rather, our post is sited in the hearts of our members and in the camaraderie we share. The decision by our founding members to take this path was grounded in their belief that this post would mainly focus on aiding veterans in need of assistance. This goal would best be accomplished by not having to concern our membership with the costs, time, and energy associated with maintaining a building and/or canteen.
We Believe In Empowering Others
Our efforts are directed towards assisting veterans and their widows and children by raising funds and participating in various programs and projects which help accomplish our main goals. We also often honor veterans deserving of special recognition and those individuals and corporations that support all veterans.
Examples For Our Communities
We try to always remember that our displays of patriotism, love of our nation, service to our fellow man, and loyalty to comrades in arms serve as a model for the youth of our community. You are cordially invited and encouraged to participate in all of our activities as your time and abilities allow.